Magi Wiki

Magic is the transformation of Magoi into other substances.


Magic is used all throughout the world, and whenever it is used, an 8 Pointed Star appears. Rukh causes all of the world's natural occurrences, by using the energy it produces. It causes storms, fires, lightning and etc. Magic can do various things by giving ceremonial orders to the Rukh at will. One can cause anything if they give the right orders to the Rukh, that's the invisible truth that organizes our world. As it expels or combines it causes several phenomena. By using this energy and ceremonial commands certain people can use Rukh in order to reproduce these natural occurrences, they are called Magicians. The strength you have in using Magic is decided by the quantity of Magoi you are able to extract from the Rukh. Even though Metal Vessels, Household Vessels, and Magic Tools users can use their own special Magic, their powers are not as diverse as Magicians but are amplified. In the Magnostadt Academy, Rukh is classified into 8 different types: ones that manipulate flames, water, light, wind, lightning, sound, power and life. According to Magnostadt Academy's Chancellor, Matal Mogamett, the principles of Magic have been unveiled and the orders of formula system has been created in this century.[1]

Aberrant Magic

Main Article: Aberrant Magic

Extreme Magic

Main Article: Extreme Magic

Types of Magic

There are countless types of rukh, and therefore countless types of magic. Yet, Magnostadt teaching divides all of the known rukh into eight basic types, as well as many sub-types.

Magician Types

1st type: rukh that manipulate flames
2nd type: rukh that manipulate water
3rd type: rukh that manipulate light
4th type: rukh that manipulate lightning
5th type: rukh that manipulate wind
6th type: rukh that manipulate sound
7th type: rukh that manipulate power
8th type: rukh that manipulate life

The Eight Types



These are the Djinn:

These are the Magicians:

These are the ones that use Metal Vessels to do magic:

These are the ones that use Household Vessels:

These are the ones that use Dark Metal Vessels to do magic:

These are the ones that use Dark Household Vessels:

These are the ones that use various Magic Tools in order to do magic:


  1. Night 159, Page 11

